First of all i will suggest you to use text ads. The first advantage of the text ads are that they give to visitor a wider options to click on. The image ads covers the whole ad unit giving them only one option to click on. And user may not even be interested in that particular ad leaving you with one ad unit less. If your site is about articles, infos about cars or just talking about the alliens you are better off with text ads.
Image ads are also nice and can perform very high on sites if you want to advertise certain things.If you are selling certain items. For example if you own a online hardware store , people will be much more likely to click on the images of tools they like , or other cool deals they see. One of the greates advantage image ads have is people hate reading. They are more attracted to the pictures. One picture tells thousand words. Dont you think it would be easier if i had a picture that tells you everything i wrote in this page ? I know you just sad yes to sourself and as a matter of fact the first thing we do when a webpage opens up we check for the pictures. Images gives us a quick idea about the content of the page and will play the key role if we are going to stay on the site or not.
Lets talk about the ups and downs of the link unit. Link unit is a very nice tool if you know how to use it. The only bad thing about is that the visitor needs click the link unit twice for you to make money. Yes twice, one on your page and second on the page it takes it to. Most people are fed up with dead end pages. There are millions of pages where we think that is the page we searched but it only have ads but content. So as soon as we see those dead end pages we just take off or hit the back button.Okay that was the glass half empty. Lets look from a positive view now. The beauty of link unit is even there are no ads served on your site by adsense, link units almost everytime will be serving ads. Also it performs very good if you use it like a menu on the sites. 160x90_4 will just look like a menu. if you set the border color to match your websites header color it will be like part of your sites menu. Link units tends to pay more on sites that actually sells stuff or advertise certain things.
Rss feed advertising is a new way to make some more money. Google doesnt have this option yet but companies like Kanoodle has been offering this service for a while now.
Your last option is Googles search box. Users that are not happy with your site are more likely to use this service. So let them use it. This will give you one last chance to make money from the visitor.