Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How To Get Your Site Ready For Adsense ?

Want to make money from your website using adsense. But not sure how to sign-up , how to put the ad codes in your web pages or not sure which ad types to use with your site. I will share with you the best ideas you will ever hear on the internet. Ok Lets start.

  1. First of all i will assume that you have no website at al. You can either use free services like blogger.com or you can pay a hosting company and have more tools for your website. It is always a good idea to use free services for couple of months to get your feet wet. After having some experience start your own paid website.

  2. Choose a domain. Whether its free or paid you have the chance to select your websites name. Choose a domain name that tells visitors about your site the moment they see it. Domain name is very important. It has to be short and has to be easy to remember.

  3. Choose a topic. What is your website going to be about. Think twice before you start.
  4. See the picture above that will tell you how to shape your website. This picture is from google and as the colors in boxes gets darker it means that the ads in those locations get clicked more or less. Google shared their statistics with us so why not use it.
  5. Sign-up For Google Adsense by using the button on the right side.
  6. Put your ad code in your website and you are ready to go.

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